Prospector Research SalesTeam™ can provide you with a dedicated salesperson or sales team with our powerful sales resources, contacts and our proven track record for successful high volume sales activity. Many companies have found it cost effective to outsource their sales effort to Prospector Research SalesTeam™ finding a 30 to 50 percent increase in new revenue. Companies have wasted millions of dollars on technology salesmen and account executives that have not performed according to their supposed capability. It is important that companies have proven business development personnel and initiatives that will drive new revenue into the pipeline.
• Are you still on the phone cold calling into new customers?
• Are you still arranging your own appointments?
• Are you still relying on current customer base?
- When was the last time you landed a new account?
If you couldn’t answer positively to these questions, then Prospector Research SalesTeam™ is for you! Let our business development and Marketing teams drive new business to your doorstep! Here’s what you will receive:
• 1 Dedicated Prospector Research SalesTeam™ Representative minimum 1 day per week working at your facility/office
• A personal Remote SalesBoost™ application powered by Prospector Research CRM™ with secure login
• Over 200 qualified leads per month populated into your SalesBoost™ application tailored to the vertical of your choice or from various verticals
• RFP’s from State and Local governments in your core competency
• Monthly email newsletter to our Prospector Research SalesTeam™ 5,000 plus IT customer base presenting your company offerings.
• Pre-qualified sales appointments
• 1 Email Newsletter per month. (Optional)
What are you waiting for? Contact us now for a consultation at