Overview Company
Research Based Sales Training, Sales Coaching & Sales Consulting
At Prospector we’ve earned a reputation for providing sales people with the insights they need to dominate in today’s hyper-competitive selling climate.
Prospector is a research based sales training, sales coaching and sales consulting firm that is the leader in the integration of proven science and sales. Based in New York, United States, we study the scientific disciplines of social psychology, communication theory, cognitive psychology, social neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience and behavioral economics. We then take the repeatable and predictable principles, which science has proven to create and enable influence, out of the laboratory and academic journals and apply them to selling.
What’s more, we have conducted original scientific research that identified the mental process that the human brain goes through when making a buying decision. We then deconstructed this internal decision making process into clear, manageable steps that equip sales people to literally sell the way that their prospects’ brains are hardwired to buy.
When sales people base their sales activities and behaviors upon proven science, the results are always astounding: sales cycles shorten, market share grows, and sales production skyrockets.